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对牙齿有益的5类食物 [复制链接]

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发表于 2014-12-23 09:19:06 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
5 Foods For Teeth That Your Dentist Wants You To Eat More Often

Has your dentist ever given you tips for what foods that you should or shouldn’t be eating? Better yet, have they ever given you the reasons that certain foods are beneficial to the health of your teeth and gums?
1.Cheese 奶酪
According to a study , consuming cheese and other dairy products may help protect teeth against cavities.
Various compounds found in cheese may adhere to tooth enamel and help further protect teeth from acid.
Eat cheese at the end of a meal or as a snack to coat the teeth and neutralize the acids formed from eating carbohydrates.
2. Plain yogurt 原味酸奶
Yogurt helps gums stay healthy, it strengthens teeth, it helps to balance the acids in the mouth . Basically, yogurt is a dental super food!
Yogurt counters this attack by balancing your mouth’s pH levels, and creating an environment where bacteria have a hard time surviving. Also, yogurt is high in calcium which helps to keep your teeth strong.
3. Apples 苹果
Apples are not only good for your teeth, but they also act as a breath freshener.
The natural fibers present in the skin and the flesh of the apple helps to scrub your tongue and gums, and help to remove much of the plaque that is responsible for bad breath.
Eating apples also helps to remove stain on your teeth from coffee and other staining drinks.
4. Broccoli 西兰花
Broccoli does two things that benefit the teeth. It helps to keep them whiter, and the iron found in broccoli helps to form an acid-resistant barrier that can protect the enamel of your teeth.
Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin E, which helps aid the body in healing. It is a good source of calcium, vitamin B2 and folic acid.
5. Pineapple 菠萝
You would think with a fruit like pineapple and its acidity that it would be a no go for this list, but pineapple is one of the citrus fruits that actually alkalize the mouth ! Pineapple is the only fruit that contains an enzyme called Bromelain. Bromelain has become recognized for its health benefits and is useful in medical treatments for a number of ailments and diseases. In the mouth, it helps to reduce inflammation and help with healing.
Also, pineapple contains vitamins K, C . Many people claim that pineapple also helps tooth sensitivity.

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