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A Chinese teenager executed after being convicted of murder and rape 18 years ago was declared innocent by a court Monday, in a rare overturning of a wrongful conviction.18年前因为谋杀和强奸而被判枪决的中国青年,在周一的法庭上被宣告无罪,这是一起罕见的冤错案的推翻。
The 18-year-old, named Hugjiltu and also known as Qoysiletu, was found guilty and put to death in Inner Mongolia in 1996, but doubt was cast on the verdict when another man confessed to the crime in 2005.这名名叫呼格吉勒图的18岁少年,于1996年在内蒙古被判有罪并执行了死刑,但是对判决结果的质疑声持续不断,因为在2005年的时候,另一个男人承认了这桩罪刑是他犯下的。
"The Inner Mongolia Higher People's Court finds Hugjiltu's original guilty verdict... is not consistent with the facts and there is insufficient evidence," the court in Hohhot said in a statement。“内蒙古最高人民法院发现呼格吉勒图最初的有罪判决……和事实并不一致,而且存在证据不足,”呼和浩特法院在一份声明中说道。
"Hugjiltu is found not guilty."“呼格吉勒图被发现是清白的。”
The court's deputy president gave Hugjiltu's parents compensation of 30,000 yuan ($4,850), according to the official Xinhua News Agency -- although the money was a personal donation by the head of the court, it added, rather than an official payment by the institution。根据新华社官方消息,内蒙古法庭副院长给了呼格吉勒图父母三万元补偿金(4850美元),虽然其补充道,这是副院长自己出的钱,而不是机构的公款。
Images on social media showed the deputy president apologising to Hugjiltu's now elderly parents。社交媒体上的图片显示,副院长向如今已经年迈的呼格吉勒图道歉。
"This is an amazing thing the court did, to admit that they were wrong," said Wang Gongyi, deputy director of the research institute of the Ministry of Justice。“法院会承认他们的错误简直不可思议,” 司法部研究室主任王公义说道。
"It also sends a clear message to the police and prosecutors around the country: if there's not enough evidence, don't impose wrongful convictions," he told AFP。“这也是向全国的警察和检察官发出了明确的信息:如果证据不足,不要妄下结论误判罪刑,”他对法新社说道。