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美国4岁女孩街头举牌 求圆花童梦 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2014-12-18 09:07:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
A four-year-old who dreamed of becoming a flower girl had her wish granted last week after showing up at City Clerk's office in Manhattan with a bouquet of roses, wearing her best dress.


Annabelle Earl had heard about being a flower girl from her babysitter's daughter, but with no-one in her parent's circle getting hitched, her mom, Kim, came up with a plan.
  Wearing an elegant rose-print dress and white lace gloves, clutching a dozen pink and purple roses she purchased at a bodega, Annabelle stood quietly with a sign: 'Can I be your flower girl?'


  'We stood there and she held up her sign and people walked past and would smile but no one came up to her,' Ms Earl, who lives in Brooklyn, told NBC News. 'I said I think we're going to have to ask people.'


Annabelle approached one couple who said‘no thank you'. But with a lot of moxie, she then pointed to another couple that caught her eye.


  ‘She was too adorable to say no to, and we thought it would be fun to make her day as well as ours,' admitted the bride to NBC, though she did not want to be identified.


After the couple's number was called, Annabelle followed them into the room and stood quietly watching the ceremony next to the bride, handing her the bouquet she brought along.


  ‘It was just like a real wedding,' said Ms Earl.


Annabelle loved the experience so much that she said she would like to repeat her flower girl gig.


  ‘I want to go back to City Hall,' she said. ‘It made me happy.'


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