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早起能做完的10件事 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2014-12-26 09:10:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
10 Things You Could Have Done If You Got Up Early

1.Workout – The best time to workout is first thing. And you know that if you put off that workout until after work… that it won’t get done.
2.Read – You want to read more, but when to find the quiet time to do it? Read early and start your day with new ideas and stories.
3.Think – One of the best times to come up with new ideas is first thing in the morning. You will find that you have many ideas that your subconscious mind came up with while you were asleep.
4.Catch Up – Double check your list. Now is the time to catch up and complete any last tasks that you didn’t get to yesterday.
5.Make a Plan – Before you start your day, make a plan. Review your calendar and know your obligations.Know what you are going to do today, and have a plan as to how you are going to accomplish it.
6.Work on that Big Project – Trying to get extra time to work on that big passion project you have? Get up early and make time to work on it each and every day. Maybe it is a hobby, maybe it’s your blog, or maybe it is the business you are starting.
7.Get Your Forever Task Done – What task has been lingering on your todo list for weeks? Get it done while you can give it some undivided attention.
8.Prepare for Your Day – Having a plan is good. However, the real secret is to prepare for your day. Review the materials for your meeting. Knowing what you need to do and being ready to do it are two different things.
9.Relax – While everyone else is sleeping is a great time to just relax. If you are a parent, this may be the only quiet time of the day you see. Enjoy the peace, quiet.
10.Get a Head Start--- Go ahead and get started on your todo list! Knock out some of your most dreaded tasks now, even before the day begins.

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