Maybe you only know the benefits of a warm glass of water in the morning or maybe you have only heard about how honey is great for your skin, but have you heard what wonders combining warm water and honey can do for you overall? Read on and let me tell you the wonders of honey and warm water.也许你只知道每天早上一杯温开水的益处,或者也许你只听说过蜂蜜对你的皮肤有好处,但是你听说过把蜂蜜和温开水放在一起的好处吗?看看这些吧,让我来告诉你温蜂蜜水的好处吧。
1. Watch Your Weight Melt Away
Yes, drinking water and honey can help you lose weight. Get the plaguing thoughts about the sugar aspect of honey out of your head, as that is one of its benefits. I know, I know, it sounds crazy and too good to be true, but it isn’t. The sugar in honey is a natural sugar (or read: good for you), which provides a healthy source of calories. Not only that, it can help to ward off any sugary sweet beverage cravings you may have. By cutting back on the amount of pop you drink, your calorie intake drops and with that so do the pounds.
是的,喝蜂蜜水有助于减体重。不要担心它含糖,因为这就是 它的一大优点。我知道,我知道,这听起来有些奇怪,太好了可能就不是真的。但是真的是这样。蜂蜜里所含的糖是一种天然的糖(或者是对你有益的糖),这种糖 是一种健康热量的来源。不仅如此,它还能帮助我们抵制对甜食的欲望。减少汽水的摄入量,饮料给你带来的热量就会降低,体重也会有所下降。
2. Gives Your Immune System A Helping Hand
Have I stressed just how good honey is for you yet? Honey has amazing bacteria-killing properties. If you go for raw, organic honey it is full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals that lead the front line against protecting against bacteria. One study presented, UK found that Manuka honey may even help reverse bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Honey is also an antioxidant, which helps fight those bad free radicals that reek havoc in our body and on our skin.
3. Reduce Your Allergies
And no, I’m not suggesting to take a Claritin or something like that with the glass of honey water. By using raw, local honey you help to acclimate your body to the pollens of your area. In turn, this helps to reduce your susceptibility to environmental allergies. If you really think about what bees do in the grand scheme of things, this makes perfect sense. Now I know the warm water isn’t necessarily crucial to helping with allergies, but being hydrated is never a bad thing.
4. Soothe That Sore Throat And Cut That Cough
According to the Mayo Clinic, hot water with honey can help reduce the soreness and irritation of a sore throat. Honey helps to coat the throat while the warm water soothes. This soothing and coating action also helps to reduce your cough, as coughing is sometimes caused by irritation from a sore throat.
5. Detox, Detox, Detox!
Honey and warm water helps to flush out the toxins from your body. By helping you to get regular, it helps you to regularly rid your body of toxins that can build up and cause disease. Adding lemon to the mix increases the benefits, as lemons help to increase urination, dispelling toxins more frequently and keeping your urinary tract healthy. Lemon contains citric acid, which helps to maximize enzyme function and in turn stimulate the liver and help with detoxification.
6. Gassy? It Helps With That.
Feeling a little uncomfortable and gassy? Drinking a glass of warm water and honey will help! Honey helps to neutralize gas.
7. Increase Your Health
Not only will drinking warm water and honey increase your hydration (plus everything else I’ve listed), it also helps to increase the levels of “good” cholesterol in your body and reduce cardiovascular strain.